Hummersknott Academy Trust ALP Merger

Hummersknott Academy ALP Merger Information

Click here to view the Hummersknott Academy ALP Merger Information including Frequently Asked Questions

Skerne Park Academy ALP Merger Information

Click here to view the Skerne Park Academy ALP Merger Information including Frequently Asked Questions.

We are Hummersknott Academy Trust

Welcome to Hummersknott Academy Trust and our Academies. We are delighted that you are taking an interest in us and the high-quality education our academies seek to provide.

We are an outward facing Trust and if you are interested in finding out more about us and our core Trust offer please do not hesitate to contact us, we welcome your interest.

Striving. Supporting. Succeeding.

Hummersknott Academy Trust is a charitable company limited by guarantee. The Trust is committed to providing outstanding, inclusive learning for all students regardless of their ability or background.

Join us at Hummersknott

If you would like to join Hummersknott Academy Trust and benefit from everything we provide please do not hesitate to contact us using the button below.

Striving For The Best


Schools Within The Trust

Join The Trust



Welcome to Hummersknott Academy Trust and our academies. We are delighted that you are taking an interest in us and the high-quality education our academies provide.

We strive to provide the best environment within which our children can thrive socially, academically and emotionally in order to achieve the best possible educational outcomes.

Schools Within the Trust

Hummersknott Academy

Secondary School
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Hummersknott Academy is a larger than average 11-16 Secondary school located within the West End of Darlington. The Academy is constantly oversubscribed and currently has 1243 children on role. The Academy prides itself in its delivery of a broad education where academic and personal and social education go hand in hand to support the development of the whole child. Key stage 4 is a genuine option-based curriculum where all GCSE subjects and technical subjects are on offer in addition to the academic core. EBACC entry and success rate is high and the Academy also has an emphasis on Modern Foreign Languages where all children are expected and supported to study French, Spanish or German to GCSE.

Care, guidance and welfare is also of paramount importance and as such the Academy has five colleges within it that are the children’s pastoral support network. Each college is supported by a non-teaching College Manager, a team of Form Mentors and an Assistant Principal. All there to provide challenge and expectations to all, promote community activities for all children to engage with and, of course deliver effective timely support when needed.

Cohort 1243
Pupil Premium 301
Service Children 20
Special Educational Needs (SEN) 166
Special Educational Needs & Health Care (SEN EHC) 11
English & Foreign Language (EAL) 49

Skerne Park Academy

Primary School
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Skerne Park Academy is a larger than average Primary school situated in the heart of the Skerne Park community within Darlington. Currently there are 338 children on role. Children at Skerne Park find themselves in a busy and enthusiastic learning environment where there is always much to do, see and learn. Every child is an important part of the school community and makes a valuable contribution to every aspect of school life. You can see that we continually work to make sure that our school is working to enable our children to embrace lifelong learning.

Skerne Park has a higher than average number of children with additional needs and those in receipt of Pupil Premium. As such the Academy operates a unique pathway approach to enable all its children to thrive both academically and socially. Therapeutic approaches are used and provide a fundamental aspect of the school’s fantastic local offer where dedicated, highly trained staff deliver a personalised education daily.

Cohort 338
Pupil Premium 210
Service Children 2
Special Educational Needs (SEN) 97
Special Educational Needs & Health Care (SEN EHC) 14
English & Foreign Language (EAL) 43