Vision and Values
Hummersknott Academy Trust is committed to providing outstanding, inclusive learning for all students regardless of their ability.
Our success is built upon partnership between parents, students, staff, local community groups and global link schools. We believe in developing every aspect of the people within our communities so that they can live successful and fulfilled lives. To achieve this each Academy must adopt our values which are:
1. Academic Excellence.
Every student achieves the best qualifications they can, enabling them to progress to relevant education or training and fulfil their career ambitions.
2. Outstanding Provision.
Outstanding teaching and learning and a curriculum which meets all students’ individual learning and developmental needs.
3. Nothing but the best for all.
Ensure all are ambitious and focused on achieving the very best for themselves and others, and that underperformance is challenged through support and personal development.
4. Taking responsibility.
Developing a culture in which all recognise that success depends upon personal responsibility as well as the support and challenge of others.
5. Foundations for future success.
Enable each member of the learning community to develop a full knowledge of the opportunities open to them and to develop the skills of self-confidence, resilience, imagination, enterprise, creativity and enquiry required to succeed now, when they leave Hummersknott Academy, and in later life.
6. The Human Spirit.
Promoting spiritual development which enables all students to understand themselves and experience the best that has been thought, written, invented and created as an expression of the human spirit.
7. Healthy Lives.
Equipping students with the knowledge and skills to maintain both physical and mental wellbeing for themselves and their families
8. Moral Compass.
Each Student understands a range of different viewpoints, values and cultures in order to give context for their own moral compass, thus developing respect for diversity and an understanding of their obligations and responsibilities to others.
9. At the heart of the community.
Form strong links with their local community including community organisations, other educational establishments, local authority agencies, the voluntary sector, faith groups and employers.
10. Global citizens.
Ensure all students recognise the interdependence of different cultures and countries across the globe in the past, now, and in the future, developing respect for others and being able to seize the opportunities this provides.
The Trust believes that these values should allow all stakeholders to excel and believe that there are no limits on individual achievements. Our success will be measured against the values set out above. The Trust recognises its responsibility to the development and welfare of staff, and where appropriate these values apply equally to them as well as students. At all stages we will respect the wishes of parents in making decisions about their child’s education.